Voters Will Decide Four Seats On BSSD Board of Education

Local elections are fast approaching — with four seats on the ballot for the Bering Strait School District’s board of education.

Board chair Aurora Johnson of Unalakleet is running for re-election at Section IV, Seat H, which represents Unalakleet, St. Michael, and Stebbins. Challenging the incumbent is Annabelle Cunningham of Unalakleet, who’s competing as a write-in candidate.

Incumbent Reggie Barr of Brevig Mission is also facing competition for his spot — Section II, Seat C — from Sherman Richard of Wales. The elected candidate will serve the board on behalf of Brevig Mission, Teller, Wales, and White Mountain.

For the other open seats, both incumbents are running unopposed.

Board treasurer Irene Navarro of Golovin has no challengers for Section III, Seat D, which serves Elim, Golovin, Koyuk, and Shaktoolik.

Second vice-chair Charlotte “Jane” Kava of Savoonga is also running unopposed for Section VI, Seat K, representing Diomede, Gambell, and Savoonga.

Superintendent Bobby Bolen said anyone elected to the board must be ready to tackle the big issues facing the district — everything from new state testing and reduced budgets to implementing curriculum with cultural relevancy.

“We’re working on increasing our cultural responsiveness to the villages — trying to get art and shop classes, and being more active in our communities,” said Bolen. “That’s our primary focus, curriculum-wise.”

Bolen said he encourages residents around the region to consider which candidates can best address these priorities and represent their communities.

“It’s important to think about how they interact within the community and what type of experiences they’ve had — both in the business world and their ability to be proactive in providing a sound education for the children in our region,” he said.

All four seats on the ballot will serve the board for three-year terms.

Elections will take place Tuesday, October 6.

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