Port Commission Considers Expansion Projects for Small Boat Harbor

The Nome Port Commission is considering several possible expansions to the small boat harbor. At Thursday night’s meeting, Harbormaster Lucas Stotts listed the many suggestions he has heard from users of the port.

One popular request is for a holding tank for oily discharge, or bilgewater. Port Director Joy Baker said that currently, vessels are required to pump untreated bilgewater twelve miles from shore, but that doesn’t always happen. It’s anticipated the proposed holding tank could cut down on pollution closer to the harbor.

“It’s definitely a problem,” said Baker of the pollution.

Another possible project is the addition of a deadman anchor. Larger vessels could be tied to this anchor and pulled directly to shore. It would especially benefit gold miners who, Stotts said, are keeping their dredges on the water later and later into the season.

“Somebody else just today asked me, ‘How long are some of these large guys gonna stay in the water?’” said Stotts. “I said, ‘Probably until the last second. Mining until they can’t anymore, and then there’s going to be an icy surface.’”

In the end, no decision was reached on which projects to pursue. The Port Commission agreed to meet for a special work session to prioritize the list. And Chairman Jim West, Jr., suggested that they make an effort to have actual users of the port in attendance.

“It gives them the opportunity to speak if they want something,” said West, “instead of us sitting here trying to decide what they want.”

The work session is tentatively set for September 15th at 5 p.m. As West said, the public is encouraged to attend.

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