New Federal Legislation May Help Bring a Deep Draft Port to Nome

Nome’s Arctic deep draft port may be one step closer to becoming a reality. Port Director Joy Baker joined last night’s Port Commission meeting by conference call to provide an update. She said Congress has passed two key pieces of legislation: the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (or WIIN) Act, and the National Defense Authorization Act. Both contain provisions for the construction of the deep draft port.

“Of course, it’s not going to turn anything on a dime,” said Baker, “but this is really good news for the project.”

The two acts await President Obama’s signature, and Baker reported that he is expected to sign them. But she also said it is too early to tell if President-Elect Trump’s administration will continue support of the Arctic deep draft port once Trump is inaugurated.

“We gotta get him sworn in, and see how things settle down, and start moving forward,” she said.

Last night’s port meeting was also the first for new commissioners Scot Henderson, Derek McLarty, and Shane Smithhisler. They were appointed to fill three vacancies on the Commission. In their oath of office, they pledged to serve the Port Commission “without fear, favor, or partiality.”

The Port Commission won’t meet again until the new year, on January 19th.

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