Messages of Wellness

Once again, I’m using the volunteer blog to feature a part of KNOM’s programming that you can’t usually listen to on our website.

I’ve been producing a series of spots in conjunction with Norton Sound Health Corporation’s Cultural Committee, a part of their Behavioral Health Services. The elders in the Cultural Committee have been sharing their stories with me. Many of them have struggled with alcohol and drug addiction in the past, and they use their experiences to encourage others to stay sober. Each spot is unique to the speaker’s experience. Topics include the negative effects of drug use, the reasons they decided to get help, and the ways their lives have changed since quitting.

You can listen to me talk in depth about the spot series, and hear two examples of the spots, using the online audio players.

I want to end by thanking you for tuning in to our audio blogs each week! We recently took home first place in the blog category at the Alaska Press Club awards. That’s thanks to listeners like you, who support us by sharing our work and offering words of encouragement. Your kindness inspires us to do our best work.



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