Kobuk 440 Red Lantern Heads Toward Finish Line

The red lantern in the 2017 Kobuk 440 sled dog race is still out on the trail. According to the GPS tracker, Dempsey Woods, Sr., is currently resting in Noorvik – about 50 miles from the finish line in Kotzebue.

The finishers’ banquet was held in Kotzebue last night.

First place was claimed by Jessie Holmes, who finished in 41 hours and seven minutes. Western Alaska musher Richie Diehl of Aniak took fifth, finishing in 43 hours and 53 minutes, followed by Kotzebue’s Katherine Keith, who crossed the finish line in 6th place in 45 hours and 24 minutes. Kevin Hansen, also of Kotzebue, took 11th in 50 hours and 40 minutes in his first-ever distance race.

Once the Red Lantern crosses the finish line, the close of the Kobuk 440 will effectively end the 2017 sled dog racing season.

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