The Changing of the Seasons

It’s a time of transition here in Nome, for multiple reasons. First, the ice has left the Bering Sea, and the snow has melted (though I shouldn’t jinx us – we had flurries last night!). School is ending, summer subsistence activities are starting, and there are even a few flowers popping up on the tundra.

Second, this year’s volunteers will soon be transitioning out. That means different things for each of us. Some are staying in Nome, some are going. But all of us are headed into a new year with new challenges, and rewards, ahead.

At the eleven month mark, I asked my fellow volunteers to take a step back and reflect on what’s changed since we arrived almost a year ago. While we’ve grown in so many ways, our excitement about living in and serving Western Alaska has stayed constant. Some things don’t change. (Like the snow – even in late May.)

Listen to thoughts from all four volunteers in this week’s blog, using the audio player above.

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