Council May Clarify Scope of Nome Tax on Online Sales

The Nome City Council aims to further clarify the scope of municipal sales tax for online purchases in their regular meeting tonight (Monday, Aug. 26).

That ordinance is in its second reading and up for final passage. Text defining a “marketplace facilitator” and defining where a resident must live has been added to the original ordinance. Citizens will have the opportunity to share their thoughts during the public comment period.

Two other ordinances are up for second reading, including an ordinance authorizing a municipal land use permit to the Nome Sportsmen Association for the Sunset Firing Range. The other ordinance exempts snowmachines and ATVs from the personal property tax.

As always, the Council will close with the Mayor’s comments. At that time, the mayor has the authority to appoint commissioners to a public commission to be confirmed by the Council. Last meeting, the Council rejected the mayor’s proposed appointees for the new Public Safety Commission on the grounds that the selected candidates together did not fit the commission’s diversity requirements. The mayor does not have to appoint new candidates tonight, though multiple councilmembers have expressed frustration that the commission is not already formed. In the last meeting, members of the public and Council hoped to review new candidates in tonight’s meeting.

Monday night’s meeting will close with an executive session to continue discussion on the City Manager search. There is no word yet as to when the City expects to pick a new manager, but last week, the Council narrowed the search down to three finalists. The City Clerk expects a public forum with those candidates to be forthcoming.

The regular meeting begins at 7pm at City Hall with a work session beginning at 5:30.

Image at top: City of Nome Council Chambers. Photo: Margaret DeMaioribus, KNOM file.

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