Slim Agenda for Nome City Council Includes Labor Agreement For NJUS & Electricians’ Union

The Nome City Council meeting begins tonight with the swearing in of it’s first-ever youth representative. Nome-Beltz Principal Jay Thomas nominated Molly Kenick to serve as the council youth representative.

The city ordinance requires the youth representative to be elected by Nome-Beltz students, however, as the school year was already underway when the ordinance passed, the City Council will include a youth appointed to that position.

During last week’s re-scheduled regular meeting, the council did hear a first reading on some new proposed ordinances but they will not be discussing them tonight. The only action item on the agenda is a resolution approving a new labor agreement between Nome Joint Utilities System and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Tonight’s meeting will begin at 7pm at the Council Chambers in Nome City Hall.

Image at top: The entrance to the Nome City Council chambers. Photo from Emily Hofstaedter, KNOM.

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