Let’s Talk Renewable Energy on “Exchange”

Renewable energy is the focus of the next episode of “Exchange”: Tuesday, December 19th at 11:00am.

Many rural communities in Alaska are turning to renewables as a more cost-effective source of energy needs; in Western Alaska, wind and solar predominate. The specter of climate change adds to renewables’ appeal: recent reports indicate the Arctic is warming as much as twice as fast as the rest of the world.

Joining us for the discussion on renewables will be John Handeland, manager of the Nome Joint Utility System; Paul Ivanoff III, community benefits manager at Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC); and, via telephone, Dr. Erin Whitney, research assistant professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and program manager of the Data Collection and Management Program at UAF’s Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP).

With John, Paul, and Dr. Erin, we’ll invite you to weigh in and share:

  • Are there renewable energy projects your community is working on?
  • What energy challenges does your community have?
  • Do you have success stories to share?

Join the conversation — tune in on Tuesday, December 19 at 11:00am (AKST), and leave a comment below.

Image at top: public domain.

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