Dear Friend… (February 2022)

When circumstances change for the worse, it can be challenging to adapt.

In Western Alaska, where hardship can be both sudden and gradual, the first response to change is coming together: we trust the best answers will come when everyone is in agreement.

When a consensus is reached, people adapt quickly. Each person finds strength in one another. Carrying one another’s burdens may not change the weight of the burden, but it makes it bearable.

This common strength requires faith: knowing that you are cared for, by others and God, and that your actions to help others will impact future generations.

Thank you for having faith in Western Alaska! Your friendship gives the mission strong shoulders.

Image at top: Fully funded! In the middle of January. KNOM’s equipment campaign goal was met. More than $54,000 was raised to replace monitors, build a new remote studio, and new broadcasting system.

Longtime engineer Les Brown, in the photo above, and the rest of the tech crew is now able to begin researching and ordering equipment. Thank you!

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