Breakfast Wednesday: Taquitos

What on earth is a taquito? Well, well, well, hold on to your pants, I’ll tell you what a taquito is:


It is also a crispy burrito-like thing that you can eat on the go.

For today’s episode of Breakfast Wednesday we decided to make a breakfast taquito that was both vegetarian and gluten free. You can use regular tortillas or even whole wheat tortillas, but in our case we used the corn kind. Here’s what you do.


  • 10 corn tortillas, softened
  • 3 large eggs, scrambled (protein! we Love protein)
  • 1/2 cup of shredded cheese of your choice
  • 1/4 cup of broccoli
  • sriracha sauce and other spices, to taste


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
  • Working one at a time, transfer tortilla to a work surface; place all your toppings inside the wrapper. Bring the bottom edge of the tortilla tightly over the filling, rolling from bottom to top until the top of the tortilla is reached. Repeat with remaining tortilla and filling.
  • Place taquitos seam side down onto prepared baking sheet and bake until taquitos are crisp and cheese has melted, about 12-15 minutes.
  • Consume.

As always, make whatever substitutions you need to make. Use whatever is in your fridge. Like the Quiche two weeks ago, this is a good throw-your-leftovers-in kind of meal. Use spices instead of salt to give your taquitos a kick to taste, no need to add sodium to your meals if you use your ingredients wisely. This time I used the hipster-beloved sriracha, but anything is game.

Taquitos are normally deep-fried. In an effort to make them healthy I baked them and was happily surprised! You get the crunchy texture of the tortilla in contrast to its savory, mushy insides. Eat one for a snack, or two for a meal. Or all of them. Just don’t speak of such gluttony, shhhh.

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