From Koyuk, Aliy Zirkle

Leaders are surging forward in the 2013 Iditarod. Currently in third position, Aliy Zirkle is fighting to keep her name in the game as the race hugs the coast into Nome. She started racing a bit on the run from Shaktoolik to Koyuk, jockeying positions with Aaron Burmeister and Ray Redington, Jr. But then, she says, she “took [her] foot off the pedal and let them do what they wanted to do.” KNOM’s Laureli Kinneen chats with her about her plans from Koyuk on:


At the time of posting, after almost 4 hours of rest, Aliy Zirkle’s team of 10 dogs left Koyuk for Elim at 1:23pm.

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