For First Teams to Rainy Pass, Trail Not So Bad

2012 Yukon Quest Champion Hugh Neff was the first to arrive and leave Rainy Pass today. Before the race, mushers heard the trail through the pass was rough due to all the snow that’s fallen this winter. The early frontrunners say the trail was surprisingly well set. That all can change with the weather advisory put out by the National Weather Service. Earlier today, they called for up to eight inches of fresh snow but have downgraded that to three to six. But with a light breeze, there may be some drifting and trail breaking on the way to Nikolai and continuing to McGrath and on.

Neff, so far, is enjoying his Iditarod run.

And so is Mackey.

At 7:15pm Monday Mackey, Neff and 27 other mushers were on the trail from Rainy Pass to Rohn.

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