A thorough self-examination, with some outside help

Lynette with auditor Justin Satterfield

As we enter our first full year as a reorganized nonprofit – KNOM Radio Mission, Inc. – we’re continuing to seek out new ways to improve our mission’s efficiency and transparency. While KNOM has long taken seriously the need to be cost-effective, open, and forward-thinking, we’re also mindful that – especially with a small charity such as ours – there’s always room for improvement and growth.

It’s with this in mind that, last month, we participated in a thorough and voluntary audit of KNOM: its income, expenses, records, receipts, and other files.

The audit was self-initiated, which meant that we needed to seek out help to make it happen. Our thanks to auditor Justin Satterfield (pictured with business manager Lynette Schmidt), who spent a few days around KNOM Studios and was both cordial and essential throughout the entire audit process.

It’s our goal that this work, alongside many other steps towards greater organization and efficiency, continues to make us worthy of your support.


This article is part of the February 2013 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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