Breakfast Wednesdays Begin!

Today, the new KNOM Morning Show with Dayneé and Lucus made breakfast for Nome!

Josh, Dayneé, Katie, and Megan eating at the first Breakfast Wednesday
Numbers were few, but appetites were great!

Dayneé cooked scrambled eggs with mixed veggies, and it was a delicious meal to consume together. Megan and Katie from CAMP joined the morning show to give nutritional information, and let Lucus know that he needed to eat breakfast more frequently, as well as sleeping enough.

Megan and Katie from CAMP join the KNOM Morning Show in Studio A
Megan and Katie, right before their big studio A debut!

The fancy blue tablecloth shows how serious we are about this Breakfast Wednesday – and to make things better, we plan on continuing the trend next week, with Lucus cooking and Dayneé hosting! So, even if mornings make you sleepy, here’s to a great breakfast tradition continuing – and we’ll have coffee or tea no matter the weather.

Conversation during Breakfast Wednesday!

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