The days grow longer and, slowly, the temperatures are rising! The remainders of ice and snow are melting away into the ponds and streams.
Alongside the warmth of summer, Nome’s Summercise has returned.
Summercise is a program sponsored by the wellness department of Nome’s hospital; it promotes education and healthy lifestyles and is a wonderful community event here in Western Alaska. Young boys and girls have returned to KNOM this summer to learn about radio and to write and record public service announcements. Their energy and creativity are a delight!
The Tom and Florence Busch Digital Studios project building plans are complete. With one $50,000 matching challenge grant fulfilled, we have been blessed with another challenge grant of approximately $30,000 for KNOM’s digital conversion. This dollar-for-dollar match will help us convert our studios to digital equipment, which, in turn, will save us money on power costs.
There is much encouragement for all we do from our listeners throughout remote Alaska. We pass on their appreciation and heartfelt thanks.