Letter From the GM:
This year has been incredibly productive. Having a mostly homegrown (or Nomegrown, as we like to say) staff has enabled us to produce original and engaging content like never before. We’re currently averaging five original news stories per week, and on Facebook, we’ve surpassed 2.5 million impressions this year. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we’ve been able to reach more people than ever, sharing our region’s news and culture while providing inspiration and faith. Like many nonprofits, we are exploring ways to sustain our current levels of staffing and activities. While our donation numbers have decreased since the last fiscal year, our team remains deeply committed to our mission. We believe in the power of prayer, the generosity of our donors, and the enduring value of our work.
If you donated to KNOM in 2024, year-end tax receipts will be mailed to you in mid-January. If you do not receive one, do not need one, or prefer an electronic version, please email belong@knom.org or call us at (907) 868-1200.
As always, thank you for your steadfast support of KNOM and our mission in Western Alaska.
Income, FY23 and FY24
Income | FY23 | % of total | FY24 | % of total |
Donations | $1,040,112.00 | 69% | $950,142.75 | 77% |
Wills and Bequests | $395,215.00 | 26% | $229,285.54 | 19% |
Grants (public and private) | $0.00 | 0% | $8,950.00 | 1% |
Other Sources | $70,215.00 | 5% | $43,577.83 | 3% |
Total | $1,505,542.00 | 100% | $1,231,956.12 | 100% |
Expenses, FY23 and FY24
Expenses | FY23 | % of total | FY24 | % of total |
Staff | $704,629.00 | 50% | $1,074,711.16 | 63% |
Mission Operations | $522,475.00 | 37% | $424,624.28 | 25% |
Core Support (admin and development) | $185,888.00 | 13% | $197,393.49 | 12% |
Total | $1,412,992.00 | 100% | $1,696,728.93 | 100% |