A Russian SU-35 fighter jet crossing in front of an American F-16 during a September 23 intercept in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone. Screenshot from NORAD video.

Sen. Sullivan calls for increased military presence in Arctic after close call with Russian fighter

After a close encounter with a Russian jet last week [September 23], U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan is calling for the U.S. military to continue building its presence in Alaska to “meet force with force”.

In a video released by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a Russian TU-95 “Bear” bomber could be seen flying to the left of an American jet. Suddenly, a SU-35 jet passed the American fighter on its left as it rolled to the right.

The U.S. Air Force pilot reflexively banked right to avoid a collision as the SU-35 flew off into the distance.

In a press release, Sen. Sullivan said that such a maneuver is dangerous and puts lives at risk. 

“The reckless and unprofessional maneuvers of Russian fighter pilots—within just a few feet of our Alaska-based fighters—in Alaska’s ADIZ on September 23 put the lives of our brave Airmen at risk and underscore the escalating aggression we’re witnessing from dictators like Vladimir Putin,”

- Sen. Sullivan. 

Sen. Sullivan also called for increased focus on military projects in Alaska, like the port expansion project in Nome. Once complete, the port expansion in Nome will be capable of hosting all U.S. Navy vessels except for the U.S.’s fleet of enormous 1,100-foot-long aircraft carriers. 

“We need to answer force with force and continue building up America’s military presence in Alaska and the Arctic with more infrastructure, like the strategic Arctic port at Nome and reopening the Adak Naval Air Facility, and more military assets,” Sen. Sullivan said.

Sen. Sullivan’s call to reopen the Adak Naval Air Facility, which closed in 1997, comes as the U.S. military recently moved 130 troops to Shemya Island, 400 miles to the west of Adak Island. 

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