The north side of Norton Sound Regional Hospital. Ben Townsend photo.

NSHC Approves Housing Stipend for Nome-Based Employees

The Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) Board of Directors has approved a new housing stipend for Nome-based employees. This move aligns the benefits for Nome-based staff with those already received by village-based employees, who have been provided with a monthly housing stipend for several years.

According to NSHC Public Relations Manager Reba Lean, the new stipend was implemented in response to rising housing costs in Nome and as part of the corporation’s broader efforts to improve employee recruitment and retention.

The stipend amounts vary based on employment status. Full-time Nome-based employees will receive $1,500 per month. Employees working 80 percent of full-time hours will receive $1,200 per month, while part-time employees working 62.5 percent of full-time hours will receive $937.50 per month.

The Board of Directors approved the stipend during a meeting held at the regional hospital September 17-19.

New Employee Housing on the Way

Construction vehicles operating on a new lot purchased by Norton Sound Health Corporation to build employee housing. Ben Townsend photo.
Construction vehicles operating on a new lot purchased by Norton Sound Health Corporation to build employee housing. Ben Townsend photo.

The decision to add a housing stipend to NSHC’s robust list of benefits comes as the regional hospital begins work on a new housing complex. The new lots, adjacent to the hospital’s location on the northeast tip of downtown Nome, may contain up to eight 20-unit apartments. Heavy construction vehicles can be seen regularly traveling back and forth from nearby gravel yards to build up foundations for the buildings.

NSHC has expressed hope that by building the properties, they’ll not only make more housing available for their employees but also free up existing housing for other residents of Nome.

The Board of Directors also approved the creation of a new Elder Advocate position. The person selected for the job would assist elders receiving care at Acute Care, Primary Care, and in the villages.

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