A moose in a snowy forest. KNOM file photo.

Emergency Order Closes Moose Hunting in 22C, 22D

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued an emergency order to close the State resident moose hunt by registration permit RM840 in Unit 22D. The closure, effective at 11:59 p.m. on September 3, 2024, applies to hunting within the Kuzitrin River drainage and Unit 22D Southwest.

This decision comes as the fall harvest quota of 27 bull moose in these areas is expected to be met by the closure date. The ADF&G determined that no further harvest is warranted, prompting the emergency order to ensure the conservation of the moose population.

The closure in these sections of Unit 22D adds to the RM840 season closures in Unit 22C announced over the weekend.

The closure does not impact the registration permit hunt area in Unit 22B west of the Darby Mountains, where the season is still scheduled to run from September 1 through September 14, unless further emergency orders are issued.

All other moose hunting regulations in Unit 22 remain unchanged by this order.

Hunters are advised to stay informed about any additional updates or changes that may arise during the hunting season.


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