Dear Friend…(May 2024)

On the seventh Sunday after Easter, which is also fifty days after Easter, we celebrate Pentecost. The Church’s birthday! On this day God’s coming was a spectacle, with howling winds, rattling walls, untamable fire, instant fluency in foreign languages!  

But when we look at this event more closely, God’s coming had one purpose. God hurled the disciples out into the streets where, filled with the Holy Spirit, they were to proclaim the Gospel.  In short, God comes to tell us to GO! 

God speaks gently to us, “Go give her a hand.” God lectures, “Go and say you are sorry.” God roars, “Go and do something about that!” God shakes up our lives, all to get us to go, love, listen, and pray. Go because I am with you always!

KNOM Radio Mission is always on the GO!   KNOM is always with Western Alaska on the air thanks to your GO! KNOM deeply values your generosity.