Diomede school reopens after months of remote learning

January 22, 2024

Ava White, News Reporter

The school in Little Diomede reopened this morning after months of remote classes. The school building closed in November after it was struck by the partially collapsed city building

The reopening was announced on the school’s Facebook page Saturday afternoon. Before classes began, students gathered for breakfast at the school.

The school joined a state program that offered meal distribution to students during the closure, according to an email from the Bering Strait School District’s superintendent, Tammy Dodd. The district also received donations of shelf-stable meals from the Food Bank of Alaska and the Anchorage School District.

Staff is inviting families to join for a spaghetti dinner tonight at 6 pm at the school. Individual and family photos will be taken after the dinner.

Photo at top: The city building in Little Diomede shifted into the school after a partial collapse on Sunday, Nov. 26, 2023. (Courtesy Carla Ahkvaluk)

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