Thanksgiving gratitude, messages from listeners

KNOM listeners and followers shared messages of what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving.

“I’m thankful for family especially, friends here in there throughout the state and beyond. I’m happy for all health care professionals that work so hard to help us stay healthy. And again, I’m thankful for friends and family foremost.”

Bernard from anchorage
A homemade pecan pie is cooling off before being transported to a friends-giving dinner. (Ava White/KNOM)

“I am thankful to be home with my mom, who had a stroke three years ago and has dementia. Some days are just stressful but day by day, it’s good to be with her. I am also thankful to be sober since July of this year. “

julia from kipnuk
KNOM staff traveled to Nome for the Thanksgiving holiday. When you walk off the plane, passengers are greeted with a welcome sign. (Ava White/KNOM)

“I’m thankful for all the friends and family I still have who live in the Nome area and St. Lawrence Island. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I smile more knowing that all of you there.”

Matilda from new york
Gambell School on St. Lawrence Island
Gambell School, located on St. Lawrence Island. (KNOM)

“I am thankful for family, sisters and brothers. My husband Frank and all my kiddos. I am thankful for friends near and far.”

Tina from st. lawrence island

Audio: Easygoing, Podington Bear, (Free Music Archive) (CC BY-NC) Photo at top: KNOM and KICY staff members and families gathered for an early Thanksgiving feast. (Janice Homekingkeo/KNOM)

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