Passing On The Baton

“After dedicating the past five years to KNOM and Western Alaska, KJ has moved back to her home country of Norway to be closer to family while her husband Sam studies Public Health in Oslo.

Taking the reins as KNOM’s new Development Director is Cindy Lentine. Cindy has lived in Alaska for many years; she graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and worked a full career for the State of Alaska. After retiring from the State, she dedicated a decade and a half working for the Archdiocese of Anchorage and Catholic Social Services. Thus, she brings intimate knowledge of Alaska and extensive experience in development to her new role.

Cindy’s son is a Coast Guard Captain stationed in Washington, DC, and her daughter is an emergency room nurse. When not at work, she can be seen walking her poodles, Annie and Gracie, participating in the “Women at the Well” ministry at her parish, or being in community with the Adrian Dominican Associates/Sisters.

KNOM thanks KJ for her invaluable service and wishes her well on her new endeavors, and at the same time looks forward to Cindy’s contribution to the mission over the years to come.

Image at the top: Portrait of Cindy Lentine, used with permission.

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