Frost and circumstance

On May 16, a procession of fire trucks, police cars, and privately owned cars snaked its way through the streets of Nome to the tune of “Congratulations” by Post Malone. The guests of honor at this particular parade were teenagers clad in caps and gowns. Through gravel streets and mounds of snow still left from winter, the column of cars reached its destination, Nome-Beltz High School gymnasium.

A grand total of 38 students graduated from NBHS that day. At the graduates’ request, KNOM broadcast the parade and the ceremony live for all to hear.

As class salutatorian, graduate Sophia Marble offered advice to her underclassmen: “I hate to say it, but time really does fly. Cherish the time you have in this school. Stay focused and turn in your work on time. But on that same note, remember it’s never that serious, and make time to share laughs and make memories.”

Graduates Devon Crowe and Dorothy Callahan were co-valedictorians. In their remarks, Crowe reflected on how their class persevered through the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, while Callahan focused on how they grew together over the years.

Rachel Finney, Nome Public Schools’ Teacher of the Year for 2023, said of the graduates, “I know they’re going in several different directions, doing some really awesome things, and I hope they enjoy every minute of it.”

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