John Apangalook Memorial High School and Hugo T. Apatiki Elementary School in Gambell. Photo: Lauren Frost/KNOM

Gambell school, Anvil City Science Academy win big at state science fair

Eight students from John Apangalook School in Gambell have earned placement at the 2023 Clean Energy Olympics KidWind Challenge in Boulder, Colorado next month.

The eight — Keralei Apassingok, Keira Duncan, Katie Apatiki, Jariah Koozaata, Mya Silook, Ty Iworrigan, Edward Lane and Wylder Soonagrook — are making the trip to the competition after earning top honors at the 2023 Alaska Science and Engineering Fair in early April.

One of their award-winning projects was an all-natural water filter using gravel, activated carbon, carbon cloth, sand and eggshells.

Gambell teacher Luzviminda Dinglasan was named Outstanding High School Teacher.

Additionally, Nome’s Anvil City Science Academy won the Overall Team Championship for a middle school at the state tournament. ACSA teacher Jessica Smyke was named Outstanding Middle School Teacher.

Image at top: John Apangalook Memorial High School and Hugo T. Apatiki Elementary School in Gambell. Photo: Lauren Frost/KNOM

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