$50 for 50 Years On The Air

Did you know KNOM has a big day coming up? July 14, 2021, marks 50 years of broadcasting in Western Alaska.

What better way to celebrate five decades of being a radio friend and companion than to give KNOM away?

KNOM has received a number of phone calls from village listeners asking for radios for elders and families to take when fishing and hunting.

In 2021, KNOM Radio Mission would like to give away as many radios as possible. This Christmas, would you consider giving a gift of $50 for radios to celebrate 50 years of KNOM?

If you wish to help, let us know you would like to designate your gift for this project by writing a note with your mailed gift or clicking the “$50 for 50 years of KNOM” box with your online donation. Thank you for living the mission!

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