2020 By the Numbers

KNOM’s spending aligned with budget totals in fiscal year 2020 (July 1-June 30), 3.5% less than total projected ordinary expenses.

Income, on the other hand was 27.4% more than expected, mainly due to several large one-time gifts to KNOM.

One expense KNOM does not bear is the labor cost of full-time volunteer fellows. Their collective $62,527 net gift of time this year was significant. The chart does not include this income/expense. (This exclusion – which
follows IRS reporting guidelines – artificially inflates the percentages for classifications like core mission support.)

The fiscal year 2021 budget invests in capacity building for staff, volunteers, and facilities. This investment focuses resources on long-term savings and relevancy. The mission will be drawing from its roots as a teaching institution, “training up” staff and volunteers from local and national venues. This fortifies retention and sharing of institutional knowledge. Strategic vision helps provide the rich and quality programming that Western Alaska listeners deserve.

KNOM is diligent about efficiency. It is expensive to raise funds from afar, with a high privacy threshold. KNOM remains steadfast in its decades-long promise not to share, rent, sell, or exchange benefactor information. KNOM does not participate in charity list co-ops, either. The mission honors benefactors’ preferred contact method and frequency to save unnecessary print and postage costs.

Year-end tax receipts will be mailed to you in mid-January if you gave more than $100 to KNOM in 2020. If you do not receive one, don’t need one, or prefer an electronic version, please contact the development office at 907-868-1200, or by email. Thank you!

Income, FY 2020*

Donations$ 1,010,112, 59.60%
Wills & Bequests$ 587,230, 34.60%
Other$ 97,693, 5.80%
Total$ 1,695,035

Expenses, FY 2020*

Staff & Volunteers$ 536,807, 42.70%
Mission Operations$ 408,568, 32.50%
Core Support (Admin & Development)$ 312,128, 23.60%
Total$ 1,257,503

*Fiscal year 2020: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

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