Moose Research in Unit 22 Could Explain Declining Population | KNOM Radio Mission

Hunt for Antlered Bull Moose Open by Emergency Order in Unit 22(A)

A winter hunt for antlered bull moose is open in parts of the Eastern Norton Sound to state residents by emergency order from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). ADF&G is allowing a harvest of 20 antlered bull moose by registration permit hunt RM844 in Unit 22A.

Fish and Game announced the emergency order in a media release Monday. The hunt opened Monday and will close on January 31st or by another emergency order if the harvest is reached early. The open portion of the RM844 hunt area includes the area within the Unalakleet River drainage along with all drainages going into the Norton Sound between the Golosovia River and Egavik Creek river drainages.

The ADF&G is also asking successful hunters to help in a research project. The department is requiring hunters submit bone from the lower jaw of their harvested animal so that ADF&G can study how moose migration is affecting population dynamics in the area.

Despite a record harvest of 47 bull moose during the 2020 season, the department feels their post-hunt survey of bull to cow ratio indicated a need for further bull harvest in Unit 22A.

This hunt is open only to Alaska residents. Permits are available in person from the licensed vendor in Unalakleet or online at

Image at Top: Bull Moose. Public domain, via Pixabay (2019).

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