Nome Volunteer Fire Department Extinguishes Vehicle Blaze, No One Hurt

First responders extinguished a blazing vehicle fire outside of Nome Wednesday night in a lot near the Nome-Beltz High school. There are no reported injuries.

At approximately 7:16pm on Wednesday, the Nome Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Department responded to a report of a blaze in the Pomrenke lot on the Nome-Teller highway, next to the high school.

“It was completely on fire,” said Nome Police Chief Mike Heintzelman, “The interior and exterior and everything was on fire.”

The timing of the incident was fortunate for the fire department. Volunteer Fire Chief Jim West Jr. says they were already assembled in a meeting when they got the call. About 24 people responded to the incident and had the fire extinguished within fifteen minutes.

Right now, West reports that the cause of the fire is still under investigation.

“Right now the car is burnt beyond…it’s a total loss. It’d be hard to find the cause.”

– Jim West Jr.

West says he believes the driver was on scene during the fire but neither he nor the police chief could provide more details about what happened.

Image at Top: Nome Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Department Fire truck. Photo: Emily Hofstaedter, KNOM. 2020.

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