City To Buy More Property in Preparation for Teacher Housing Complex

The City of Nome looks to take more steps tonight to alleviate some of their city-wide housing shortage.

During the regular Nome Common Council meeting, Nome intends to buy property from a resident next to the current ice- skating rink. The council is seeking to purchase property from Elsa Bronson for $200,000.

The City of Nome hopes to use the two combined lots on East 3rd Avenue to build an apartment complex for teachers and law enforcement officers.

Otherwise, the council has a short agenda for tonight’s meeting. The Nome Common Council plans to swear in their new Youth Representative -Zoe Okleasik. Okleasik was elected by the Nome-Beltz high school students to represent them on the council.

In other communication, the Nome Common Council received a letter from the Nome Chamber of Commerce requesting the city consider creating an Economic Development Department for Nome, using the City’s CARES Act funding. Staff under this department could act as a liaison or even administrator of CARES funding for small businesses while also advising on or creating plans for future economic opportunities for Nome commerce.

The Nome Common Council meets at City Hall tonight at 7pm.

Image at Top: The warm up shack next to Nome’s ice rink in 2015. That lot could soon be the site of new housing for teachers and law enforcement officers. Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM file.

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