A KNOM Radio Christmas Play: The Year of Fog

For over six months, young Henry’s world has been shrouded in dense fog. He tries to help out his neighbors and spend time outside, but with Christmas fast approaching, it’s looking like a lonely Noel in his small town. Little does Henry know, his year of fog has just begun.

To join Henry on his Arctic adventure, tune into the 2019 KNOM Christmas play.

We were thrilled to get community members involved to voice key roles, with special thanks to the following:

  • Andrew Hafner as Henry
  • Mayor Richard Beneville as our Beloved Narrator
  • Matt Nylund as Captain Will
  • Milo the Dog as Milo
  • Ivy Bahnke and Chandler Stiles as Attentive Children
  • KNOM’s Davis Hovey as “Friendly Neighbor”

Image at top: the Metal Graveyard, a scene from “The Year of Fog.” Photo by JoJo Phillips

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