Should Amazon Be Taxed in Nome? City Council Seeks To Define Scope of Municipal Sales Tax

The Nome City Council meets in a regular session tonight (Monday, Aug. 12) to discuss the collection of online sales tax.

Online retailers such as Amazon have begun collecting municipal taxes, and tonight’s meeting seeks to define and clarify where those taxes should be applicable. The proposed ordinance states that exempting out-of-town retailers from taxes gives them an unfair advantage.

Tonight, the Council will have a first reading of that ordinance, and Nome citizens who wish to offer thoughts and join the discussion will be able to do so during the public comment period. This online sales tax ordinance is the only piece of business on the Council’s agenda.

The regular meeting will be followed by a closed executive session to discuss “confidential personnel matters.”

The Nome Common Council meets at City Hall, starting at 5:30 for a work session to discuss personal property taxation and exemptions.

Image at top: The entrance to the Nome City Council chambers. Photo: Emily Hofstaedter, KNOM file.

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