Alaska’s Election 2018: Gov. Candidates Begich, Dunleavy

Alaskans will be going to the polls on November 6 to cast their vote for the state’s next governor.

KNOM spoke with Democratic candidate Mark Begich and Republican candidate Mike Dunleavy about their goals for Western Alaska. Particular topics of importance were education, subsistence, and climate issues.

Mark Begich campaigned in Nome back in late August and made time to speak with KNOM live in the studio. Mike Dunleavy did not come to Nome but accepted KNOM’s request for a telephone interview.

Libertarian Billy Toien will also join Begich and Dunleavy on the ballot. Voters can expect to see Gov. Walker and Lieutenant Gov. Mallott on the ballot as well, but they have withdrawn their candidacy.

Image at top: 2018 Alaska gubernatorial candidates Mark Begich and Mike Dunleavy. (Photo credits: official portrait of US Senator Mark Begich, 2012, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; portrait of Alaska Senator Mike Dunleavy from Alaska Senate Majority via Flickr and Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0).) Image composite: David Dodman, KNOM.

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