City Council to Consider Retail Limits on Nome Liquor

The City of Nome could decide to limit the sale of liquor products to between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. for all locations south of 6th Avenue.

Liquor sales are just one topic of discussion at tonight’s City Council meeting. The City will hear the first reading and discussion for an ordinance that would limit the hours of liquor sales and limit the container size of liquor products to one liter or greater. This potential ordinance comes from a series of work discussions to limit public intoxication on Front Street.

Also on the agenda is a first reading for an ordinance to allow the city to authorize liens for the securement of utility charges. This would allow the city to procure any overdue utility fees following the abatement of dangerous or unsafe buildings. Another ordinance to provide a procedure for distraint and sale of personal property will be up for first reading, as well.

The Nome City Council meeting will be held Monday evening, September 10, at 7pm in Nome City Hall.

Image at top: public domain, via Pixabay.

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