Presenting… the Nanauyaat Radio Rangers!

Audio: Spring in My Step by Silent Partner.

Through producing half of KNOM’s PSAs or “spots” that air in-between songs, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with a variety of organizations and individuals within our region to share information relevant to our listeners.

I’ve interviewed two brothers from Kotzebue about their Iñupiaq language phone app, worked with the College and Career Guides of our local school districts, and have also worked with the Alaska Department of Fish & Game to spread the word about an Alaskan Hare survey in our region.

My latest collaboration is one that has been months in planning, and involves the teachers and staff of Nome Public Schools and Park Rangers from the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve — and features the ideas and voices of every first grader at Nome Elementary School. Working closely with the Interpretation and Education Program Manager at Bering Land Bridge, Katie Cullen, and the first grade teachers Jodi Arnold, Mary Jo Hazel, and Sandi Keller, we developed a six week-long curriculum for the kids to learn about environmental stewardship and record PSAs for KNOM.

Last Friday, each first grade classroom listened to the PSAs they helped create along with some dance tunes from around the world. It’s been such a fun, collaborative experience creating the “Nanauyaat Radio Rangers” series, and one of many awesome opportunities working at KNOM has provided. Make sure to click on the media player above to hear an example of the PSA series that will air May 1st through August 31st.

Photo at top: 2016-2018 KNOM Volunteer Karen addresses a class of first-graders at Nome Elementary School. Weekly classroom visits with Bering Land Bridge National Preserve staff helped make the ‘Nanauyaat Radio Rangers’ PSA series come to fruition. NPS Photo / Lia Nydes.

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