I’m not the new kid anymore!
Two weeks ago, our third and final volunteer breezed into the Nome airport, sporting a blazer (for the record, I arrived in leggings and hiking boots), and we finally got to meet Gabe.
It’s been a busy month at the station with so many people coming and going. Karen was off traveling around the state with her dad, so I sat down with Gabe to see how he’s settling in. I was especially curious to hear his first impressions of Nome, since he’s spent nearly all his life in Austin, Texas (Of Nome’s July temperatures, said: “This is like winter in Texas.”), and because he studied urban design in college and hopes to work in that field in the future. Nome is certainly no metropolis, but Gabe has been delighted to discover streets full of life, especially in these summer months of endless sun. We also touch on his other love, Shakespeare, and the mysterious and seemingly inexhaustible artifacts of the volunteer house. Karen “KT in the AM” Trop phones in from Talkeetna!
Right now that means enjoying the sun while we still have it. It’s mostly been a gray and rainy summer, but today is warm, and there’s plenty of blue sky showing through the clouds. Like Gabe, I’m a big fan of taking walks around town, among the kids on bikes and dogs of all shapes and sizes. Turns out it wasn’t hard at all to feel like a part of life in Nome.

Photo at top: Michael Burnett, used with permission.