NSEDC Approves $1.4 Million for 27 Projects in the Region

The Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation has approved $1.4 million in funding for 27 projects in the region.

More than $813,000 in Outside Entity Funding Community Grants will support 22 organizations and programs within 9 communities in the region. In Nome, the community center will have money to help replace their van, and the North Star Swim Team will be supported for the 2017-2018 swim season.

Other supported communities include Teller, Wales, Unalakleet, and Elim, as well as Gambell, Savoonga, and Brevig Mission – for programs ranging from fire response support and nutrition services, to school sports and the Kingikmiut Dance Festival. The Native Village of Diomede will be able to receive a portable waste disposal unit.

$180,000 in OEF Regional Grants went to the Bering Strait Health Consortium Nursing Degree Program at the Norton Sound Hospital, Covenant Youth of Alaska for its Warm Cabins Initiative, and KNOM for the transmitter replacement project.

Community Energy Fund (CEF) Grants went to two communities — the City of Teller for its Washeteria Renovation and Water Tank Insulation, and Diomede for renovation of the power plant.

Additional money was awarded to NSHC for the “Make a Patient Smile Campaign” and to regional schools to obtain Automated External Defibrillators.

The NSEDC grants were approved by its Board of Directors on May 4th.

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