Story49: The Itinerant Vets

On a clear, chilly day in Elim, community members gathered in the fire hall for some unusual entertainment. It was no movie or sports game available for viewing that day. Instead, people could watch their own pets being operated on.

Alaska Rural Veterinary Outreach is a non-profit organization that sends volunteer veterinarians all over rural Alaska to host clinics for spaying, neutering, and vaccinations. The vets work with donated supplies, in whatever spaces are open to them. In Elim, they worked in the one-room fire hall, giving pet owners the unique opportunity to accompany their animals during their operations and learn about veterinary science firsthand.

To hear more about (and from!) Elim’s four-legged friends, tune in to Story49 on KNOM (780 AM, 96.1 FM) on Sunday, March 26th, at 6:00pm, and then again on Thursday, March 30th, at 3:00pm. You can also listen online using the audio player above.

If you or someone you know has a story to share, contact KNOM at 443-5221 or by email at

Story49: Sharing your story, your voice, your Alaska.

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