Break-In at Mountain Village Post Office Sparks Investigation

Postal inspectors from Anchorage are investigating a recent break-in at the post office in Mountain Village.

Due to the ongoing nature of the case, few details are available at this time. However, Alan Damron, a postal inspector (United State Postal Service’s law enforcement) had this message for Mountain Village residents or anyone who finds their local post office broken into:

“When things are taken, we take it very seriously: if, for instance, mail is affected, we try to let the people know whose mail is affected, if, in fact, it was. So they know that, ‘hey, the reason you’re not getting this mail piece is because it’s now evidence in a burglary.’ But we’ll let the customers know, and they can let the companies who sent it know if they’re affected and then get whatever wasn’t mailed to them.”

Damron says residents whose local post office has been broken into may find the branch in question closed for several days during the investigation. To prevent further burglaries, postal inspectors will conduct a security review to alert the office if there are any vulnerabilities conducive to being robbed. But he says the public is another important key into conducting a successful investigation, “especially in smaller places where it seems everyone knows everyone.”

According to the city office, Mountain Village’s post office is now open, again, in limited capacity. Allegedly, residents are receiving packages, but there is no sale of postage. When asked if the post office was operational, the employee who answered the phone refused to answer.

KNOM will report with more details as they become available.

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