Savoonga, Alaska; January 6, 2017. Photo: Davis Hovey, KNOM.

Red Cross of Alaska Opens 23 Cases in Savoonga after Winter Storm

Savoonga, AK — 23 cases have been opened by the American Red Cross of Alaska after their visit to the community of Savoonga last week.

In a release Monday, January 9th, the Red Cross says that out of the twenty-three open cases, one home was listed as “destroyed,” while twenty-two homes were noted as having “major” damage. That determination means repairs will need “significant financial investment.”

The Red Cross states that financial assistance was provided for all 23 cases, with further help still available for Savoonga residents, even though the Red Cross has left the community.

Disaster Program Manager Michael Verrier and Preparedness and Casework Specialist Steven Fisher were in Savoonga through Monday evening to assess damage from the latest winter storm to hit Western Alaska.

A total of 127 people received aid from the Red Cross. Their final disaster assessment cites needs for replacement of siding, roofing, and insulation on multiple homes.

The American Red Cross of Alaska will collaborate with state VOAD, or Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, moving forward to provide further resources.

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