On an Anchorage Campus, BSSD Youth Prep for College, STEM Careers

In a first-ever collaboration, Bering Strait School District (BSSD) students attended the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program’s (ANSEP) Middle School Academy earlier this month. It was a two-week, dorm-like experience in which participants from 14 different villages gathered at University of Alaska–Anchorage to participate in activities focusing on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), which students at the session used to build desktop computers they took home after the academy.

Audrey Alstrom, regional director of ANSEP, says the program gives bright students a hands-on opportunity to see how what they learn in school applies to the real world. “So, when they come to Middle School Academy, we show them the why. We explain how, working on different projects, we can incorporate math and science together, and some writing, and show them what they can do should they stick to that vigorous academic coursework. Some of the stuff they can do.”

The academy, which ended November 20th, also included highlights like a visit to the sea life center, building balsa wood bridges, and learning about earthquake engineering.

She says students in the academy can use ANSEP’s programs and resources until they graduate college. To transition students towards a university mindset, ANSEP deliberately crafts the experience to simulate a college environment. “We want them to see college life firsthand, so when they get to college, they’ll know how to live on campus. They’ll know how to deal with homesickness. They’ll survive successfully, be able to network, team-build, [and] get to know other students who are like-minded, like them. So when they get to college they can be successful.”

50% of the last Middle School Academy class returned for more ANSEP programs. Alstrom says the organization hopes to change Alaska’s hiring patterns of first peoples in the STEM fields.

Students and districts that attended the event included:

  • Brevig Mission: Anthony Kakoona, Laura Kugznuk, Kelly Tocktoo and Shannon Tocktoo
  • Elim: Nellie Amaktoolik and Fenton Nagaruk
  • Gambell: Nikolai Avalnun and Correy Campbell
  • Golovin: Landon Varga
  • Koyuk: Edward Charles, Harley Huntington, Kayle Kavairlook and Denin Prentice
  • Savoonga: Angel Butler, Cody Okoomealingok-Akeya, Melvin Seppilu and Trisha Waghiyi
  • Shaktoolik: Keenan Jackson, Jaylene Katchatag, Kayleigh Sagoonick and Alexander Sookiayak
  • Shishmaref: Autumn Barr, Amy Eningowuk, Clare Jungers, Rena Kiyutelluk, Frank Ningeulook, Vicki Olana and Ida Weyouianna
  • Stebbins: Jeri Dan, Cameron Pete and Gunnar Pete
  • St. Michael: Cynthia Andrews, Madison Coffey, Marian Horn, Aiden Lockwood, Jasilyn Lockwood, Kayla Nakak and Chelsea Washington
  • Teller: Heather Oquilluk, Rebekah Oquilluk, Desmond Thomas and Kyron Topkok
  • Unalakleet: Mary Arca, Carter Commack, Aryana Ivanoff, Lexi Ivanoff, Mason Ivanoff, Johnathon Katchatag and Aiden Panzer
  • Wales: David Anungazuk and Roxanne Ongtowasruk
  • White Mountain: Harold Brown, Noah Kowchee and Shayla Titus


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