Preliminary Nome Election Results Show Support for Murkowski, Young, and Clinton

Preliminary results show Lisa Murkowski and Don Young will again serve Alaska as U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative, respectively.

The latest results, as of 4:05 AM Wednesday, show Murkowski with a lead at 44.05% of the vote (110,226 votes across the state), followed by Libertarian Joe Miller at 29.52% (73,876 votes).

In Nome, 966 total votes have been counted so far for the senatorial race. From Nome sub-districts 1 and 2 (combined), Murkowski took 522 votes, followed by Miller with 253, Democrat Ray Metcalfe with 101, 78 votes for independent Margaret Stock, and four votes each for unaffiliated candidates Breck Craig and Ted Gianoutsos.

Republican Don Young has an estimated 50% of the statewide vote, easily defeating Democrat Steve Lindbeck at 36.4%.

Nome voters mirrored the statewide trend for the US House race, with 487 votes for Young, 367 for Lindbeck, 76 for Libertarian Jim McDermott, 19 votes for unaffiliated candidate Bernie Souphanavong, and 6 votes for write-in candidates.

For Senate District T, Democrat Donny Olson ran unopposed, taking 805 votes from Nome, with 63 write-ins. In House District 39, sole candidate Democratic Representative Neal Foster received 798 votes in Nome, with 58 write-ins. Both will serve another term in the Alaska Legislature.

And in the presidential race, Nome broke with both the state and the U.S. electoral college votes by siding with Democrat Hillary Clinton, who received 418 votes, trailed by now-President-Elect Donald Trump, Republican, with 387 votes.

Less than half (48%) of registered voters in Alaska cast ballots in the the November 8th General Election.

The Alaska Division of Elections looks to certify unofficial results by November 29th.

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