Coming Soon to an Audio Blog Near You

Although the multitude of picturesque tundra photos that I post would have you think otherwise, I don’t spend all my time outside – especially now that the weather is getting colder. Sometimes, I like to spend my down time curled up on the couch with a warm blanket and a good movie.

That’s an easy feat at the volunteer house, where rows and rows of movies cover an entire wall of our living room. Some are DVDs of recent releases or trendy television shows. Others are decades-old VHS tapes that buzz when you stick them in the VCR.

In this week’s audio blog, the volunteers channel our inner Roger Ebert (or, since this is radio, maybe our inner Bob Mondello). We review movies like The Fourth Kind, Bridget Jones’s Baby, the Star Wars franchise, and everyone’s favorite winter-is-coming film, The Shining. Plus, we discuss the venues for movie viewing in Nome, and reflect on what movies have taken on new meaning now that we’re Nomeites. Take a listen!

(Note: Since we recorded this blog, the Cubs have tied the series at 1-1. Go Cubbies go!)

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