City Council to Review School Board Budget and Property Tax Hike

Two resolutions are up for a vote tonight at the Nome City Council meeting – municipal funding for the Nome School District and a proposed increase in the 2016 mill rate.

The Nome School Board formally approved their Fiscal Year 2017 Budget in April totaling over $15 million dollars – and the Board has requested contributions from the City of Nome. The resolution on the table tonight could allocate $2,014,952 in municipal funds to the Nome School District.

Another resolution going before the City Council proposes to increase the 2016 mill rate from 11 mills back up to 12 mills from two years ago.

The mill rate is the rate at which property is taxed in the city. That means if you own property valued at $1000, you would owe $11 in taxes. If the resolution passes tonight, that amount would increase to $12.

Additional budget proposals, such as the general fund municipal budget and port budget will have their first readings tonight.

The Nome City Council meets for a work session starting at 5:30pm tonight, followed by a regular meeting at 7pm.

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