Springtime Adventures

One of the things that has struck me most during my time in Alaska has been that the seasons seem to change incredibly quickly here. Just about a month ago, we had sea ice. And nighttime. Now both are gone. I know it’s not actually summer until June 20th, but it’s certainly starting to feel like it. The roads are open, the days last forever, and I’ve even been told that I look tan.

So in honor of the warmer weather, I’ve been making an effort to get outside more. Whether it’s doing more of my runs outside, taking the various dogs I’ve been dogsitting for long walks, or searching for opportunities to get out into the country, I’ve consistently worked to spend more time in nature, and I’ve never once been let down by my beautiful surroundings.

Just the other day I had a particularly amazing springtime out-of-town adventure, when I spent a day enjoying the sun and exploring with my friend Scott. We drove a total of 300 miles down the Council and Kougarok roads. I saw muskox swimming, incredible trees, my first moose, a fox, a beaver, many ptarmigan, and breathtaking view after breathtaking view. I visited Council for the first time and Salmon Lake for the first time in nine months, and enjoyed every second of driving with the windows down, feeling the Spring sunshine, and singing along to some classic 90s jams.

So as my time in western Alaska winds down, I’m continually adding to the list of what I hope to accomplish before I leave. I hope to get out to a few more villages, to focus on spending time with friends, to participate in the raft race, to produce the best radio I can, and to see a bear. And of course, I also hope to continue spending as much time as possible outside.

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