Senator Olson’s Move to Majority Leaves Democrats in Vulnerable Position

Nome, AK– The Senate Majority got a little bit bigger last week when Democrat Donny Olson announced his move from the minority. Born in Nome, Senator Olson represents all of northwest Alaska.

He said concerns about budget cuts convinced him to switch over.

I was called by a number of constituents that were concerned about things like education, things like public safety, things like corrections, things like behavioral health and health and social services,” Olson explained.

Olson said his constituents are worried about how his region might fare as the legislature continues to whittle down the state’s budget.

He’s keeping an eye on the Power Cost Equalization, or PCE, program that helps people afford the high cost of energy in rural Alaska.

Another supporter of PCE is Senator Lyman Hoffman of Bethel, the only other democrat in the majority. Olson said he hopes adding another voice from the bush might balance things.

Because right now it looks to people from the outside that… people that are looking out for their services and their districts either in Fairbanks or Anchorage,” Olson said, “and it just seems to be a little lop-sided.”

Olson’s departure leaves the minority in a vulnerable position. Down to just 4 democrats, the minority is now at risk of losing committee seats. According to the legislature’s rules, a member of the minority is only entitled to a seat on a committee if the group makes up at least 25 percent of the total house membership. Without Olson, the minority makes up only 20 percent of the Senate.

Minority Leader Berta Gardner says she’s disappointed to lose Olson, but recognizes his need to act in the best interest of his district.

Olson’s move to the majority allows him increase the size and salary of his staff.

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