Trees Stolen From Nome Elementary School, Possibly for Christmas Decorations

Two trees planted outside the Nome Elementary School have been stolen. Superintendent Shawn Arnold said they were first noticed missing Monday morning.

“Maintenance personnel brought to my attention that the two spruce trees were taken,” said Arnold. “One of the trees was cut down, and the other tree was hacked. Both are missing from the school grounds.”

He said the Nome Police Department has been notified of the missing five-foot tall trees, which were brought from Council and planted at the school in the last 10 years.

“It’s just assumed at this time that someone has taken them to be part of a Christmas decoration,” he said. “They would make perfect Charlie Brown Christmas trees.”

Still, Arnold said it’s disappointing to lose what little greenery was outside the school.

“This time of the year, it’s really kind of sad,” he said. “It’s part of the little bit of landscaping we have there at the elementary.”

Arnold said the district will replace the trees in the spring. In the meantime, Nome Public Schools asks that anyone with information about the stolen trees call the district office at 443-2231.

Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM.
Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM.

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