2015 Financial Report

Here you’ll find our financial outlook for the 2015 fiscal year (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015), compared to FY 2014. The data in these charts and tables match figures sent to the IRS.

We’re happy to report that KNOM Radio Mission, Inc., finished the fiscal year “in the black,” with income exceeding expenses. This is owing, in part, to the humbling generosity of this year’s legacy giving (wills and bequests). Our board of directors has decided to place nearly half of the FY 2015 legacy giving ($329,129, as of June 30) into long-term savings.

It’s worth noting, too, that our increase in staff expenses is due largely to increases in insurance costs; our staff wages have remained stable.

An item which is likely not self-explanatory is the net time of our volunteers. This is, in essence, what KNOM would pay our full-time volunteers if they received full salaries, less stipends for housing, food, and personal expenses. Accounting guidelines require us to count this as both a source of income and an expense; its actual financial impact is zero.

Finally, we’re grateful to report our digital studios fund stood at $833,141 at the end of FY 2015. Now, as always, we’re honored and amazed by the generosity of our supporters. Thank you.

Income, 2015 vs. 2014

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*These amounts exclude pledges and grants awarded to KNOM but not received.

Expenses, 2015 vs. 2014

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Income, FY 2015

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Expenses, FY 2015

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