KNOM Exchange: Scary Stories

The Exchange for October 29 is over. We shared several spooky tales and discussed the value and purpose of scary stories in our region.

Thank you to our guest Marjorie Tahbone and our callers Jessica and Mina from Nome, who told us about eerie encounters from their own lives. We also received a comment from Benny in Nome, who shared a story about Shaktoolik.

On this week’s KNOM Exchange, we’re sharing scary stories — from Dracula and Mahaha to gremlins and ishigaqs. Get ready for Halloween by telling us:

  • Do you like to listen to or tell scary stories? If so, why?
  • What’s your favorite scary story?
  • What makes a story scary?

We’ll have Marjorie Tahbone in the studio as our guest. Join us this Thursday, October 29 at 10 a.m.

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